Report of Mission 52 in Habitat Marte
Days/ Sols:
October 9th- 24th 2020.
Members of the mission:
Prof. Julio Rezende (Brazil)
Commander of the mission.
Davi Souza (Brazil)
Sanitation Center chief
Austin Abraham (India)
Launch center chief
Juan Rivas Santisteban (Spain)
Greenhouse chief
Paras Adlakha (India)
Engineering Center chief
Riyabrata Mondal (Germany)
Powerstation chief
General objective:
Develop new management issues applied to a Mars habitat.
The mission 52 happened from October 9th to 24th 2020 and presented 6 participants : Julio Rezende (Brazil), Austin Abraham (India), Juan Rivas Santisteban (Spain), Paras Adlakha (India), Davi Souza (Brazil) and Riyabrata Mondal (Germany). The mission's goal is to research space protocols that could work in a sustainable habitat on Mars. During 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention:
Activities developed during the mission:
- Live from Habitat Marte and presentations of all facilities operations;
- Presentations about facilities of a future Mars space habitat.
- Participation during International Astronautical Congress – IAC
- Participation during 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention
Sol 1:October 9th , 2020 (Friday)
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
10h-12h | - Preparing the methodology for the mission. |
12h-13h10m | - First meeting with the crew. |
13h10m-24h | - Contact with the crew and off-line activities. Weather Location: Natal / Brazil. Date: October, 9th 2020. Time: 10:14 AM (Brazil Time) – 01:14 PM GMT Temperature: 28o Humidity:74% Sky: Sunny. |
Sol 2: October 10th , 2020 (Saturday)
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-3h | Off-line activities. Weather location : Faridabad, Haryana, India Date: October, 9th 2020 Time: 8:30am (IST) - 3:00am GMT Temperature: 35'C / 20'C Humidity: 74 percent Wind force: 1 Pressure: 1011 hPa Clear windy sky |
3h-8h30m | - Resting. |
8h30m-11h | - Awake and preparation to travel to Habitat Marte. Weather location : Zinj,Bahrain Date: October, 10th 2020 Time: 9 :38 am (Bahrain time) Temperature: 36'C / 27'C Humidity: 51 percent Wind force: 18.5km/h Pressure: 1013 hPa Clear Sunny Sky
Weather Location: Natal / Brazil. Date: October, 10th 2020. Time: 06:06 AM (Brazil Time) – 09:06 AM GMT Temperature: 24o Humidity:89% Sky: Sunny. |
11h-13h30m | - Travel to Habitat Marte |
13h30m-14h30m | - Live from Habitat Marte |
14h30m-24h | - Activities in Habitat Marte |
Sol 3: October 11th 2020 (Sunday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
8h30m-11h | Preparing the presentation.
Weather Location: Habitat Marte, Caiçara do Rio do Vento/ Brazil. Date: October, 11th 2020. Time: 6:30 AM (Brazil Time) – 9:30 AM GMT Temperature: 23o Humidity:93% Sky: Sunny.
Weather Location: Habitat Marte, Caiçara do Rio do Vento/ Brazil. Date: October, 11th 2020. Time: 8:48 AM (Brazil Time) – 11:48 AM GMT Temperature: 32C Humidity:41% Sky: Sunny. Analysis of quality of water of Deep Water Cultivation (DWC) aquaponic system. Conditions: Temperature of water C: 30 Ph 7,2. ___ Nitrite (mg/L) 0,25 ppm Ammonia Total (mg/L) 0,003 mg/L (0,25 ppm) |
12h-13h | Live from Habitat Marte with the crew. |
13h-14h | Weather Location: Habitat Marte, Caiçara do Rio do Vento/ Brazil. Date: October, 11th 2020. Time: 8:48 AM (Brazil Time) – 11:48 AM GMT Temperature: 32C Humidity:41% Sky: Sunny.
Analysis of quality of water of growbed aquaponic system. Conditions: Temperature of water C: 30 Ph 7,2. ___ Nitrite (mg/L) 0,0 ppm Ammonia Total (mg/L) 0,003 mg/L (0,25 ppm)
Weather Location: Habitat Marte, Caiçara do Rio do Vento/ Brazil. Date: October, 11th 2020. Time: 3:00 PM (Brazil Time) – 6:00 PM GMT Temperature: 35C Humidity:27% Sky: Sunny. |
Sol 4: October, 12th 2020 (Monday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2h | Doing posts in Twitter and Facebook about Habitat Marte |
10h-12h | - Preparation for the CapCom. |
12h-13h20m | - Presentation of Julio Rezende about Main Station.
Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 12th 2020. Time: 8:55 AM (Brazil Time) – 11:55 AM GMT Temperature: 26o Humidity: 76% Rain: 3% Sky: Sunny.
Weather Location: Andújar / España Date: October, 12th 2020. Time: 07:28 PM (Spain Time) – 06:28 PM GMT Temperature: 24•C Humidity: 28% Sky: sunny. |
13h20m-24h | Off-line activities. |
Sol 5: October, 13th 2020 (Tuesday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
9h-12h | Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 13th 2020. Time: 6:06 AM (Brazil Time) – 09:06 AM GMT Temperature: 24o Humidity: 88% Rain: 30% Sky: Partially Cloudy. |
12h-24h | - Off-line activities. |
Sol 6: October, 14th 2020 (Wednesday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
10h-11h | - Preparation for the CapCom. |
11h-12h | Presentation about Sanitation Center by Davi.
International Astronautical Congress – IAC.
Weather Location: Andújar / España Date: October, 14th 2020. Time: 07:58 (Spain Time) – 06:58GMT Temperature: 21•C Humidity: 31% Sky: nubous |
13h-24h | - Writing the report and off-line activities. |
Sol 7: October, 15th 2020 (Thursday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
10h-12h | - Off-line activities.
Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 15th 2020. Time: 7:40 AM (Brazil Time) – 10:40 AM GMT Temperature: 27o Humidity: 81% Rain: 3% Sky: Partially Sunny. |
12h-24h | - Writing the report and off-line activities.
Weather Location: Andújar / España Date: October, 15th 2020. Time: 07:30 (Spain Time) – 06:30 GMT Temperature: 22•C Humidity: 26% Sky: sunny
- Watching and doing presentations of members of Habitat Marte during The 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention: 9PM GMT: TB-3 Tan, Rezende et al Operations of a Power Station on Mars
10 PM GMT: M-5 Kommareddy and Rezende: Bone Density Stabilizier for Long Term Space Travel
11 PM GMT: TA-7 Rezende, Souza et al: Deploying Greenhouse facilties
11 PM GMT: TB-7 Saranya: Sanitation in a Mars Habitat
Sol 8: October, 16th 2020 (Friday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report. |
12h-13h | - Preparation for the CapCom. - Paras Adlakha presentation about Engineering Center. |
13h-24h | - Writing the report and off-line activities.
- Watching and doing presentations of members of Habitat Marte during The 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention: 9h30m pm GMT: SB-4 Shankar et al: Launch Center on Mars:
12h AM GMT: TC-7 Pallavi Prasad: Development of Mars launch facilitiy Using CO2
12h AM GMT TD-7 Purewal et al: Engineering on Mars
0h30m AM GMT: TC-8 Rezende, Shankar et al: Operation of the main station on Mars |
Sol 9: October, 17th 2020 (Saturday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2h | - Writing the report and contact with the crew. |
9h-12h | Weather Location: Andújar / España Date: October, 17th 2020. Time: 09:30AM (Spain Time) – 09:30 GMT Temperature: 11•C Humidity: 54% Sky: sunny |
12h-13h10m | - Riyabrata Mondal presentation about a Powerstation in Mars |
13h10m-18h | - Off-line activities and generating communication about participation of Habitat Marte during the 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention. |
18h-24h | - Watching and doing presentations of members of Habitat Marte during The 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention: 8 PM GMT: TE-1 Nikita Divay et al: Challenges of Food production on Mars
8h30m PM GMT: TE-2 Tellez and Federico Unger: BioColchon Space Garden
10h PM GMT: AB-5 Rezende et al: Space analog virtual training
10h30m PM GMT: AB-6 Romero et al: Construction of namoga research station in the Nambia desert
10h30m PM GMT: TE-7 Nadeem et al: Growth of Rhizosphere Bacteria on Mars Soil Simulant
11h PM GMT: AB-7 Romero et al: African participation in solar system exploration |
Sol 10: October 18th 2020 (Sunday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report; |
10h-24h | - Watching presentations of the 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention.
Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 18th 2020. Time: 6:44 PM (Brazil Time) – 9:44 PM GMT Temperature: 26o Humidity: 84% Rain: 6% Sky: Clean. |
Sol 11: October 19th 2020 (Monday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report; |
9h-12h | Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 19th 2020. Time: 8:00 AM (Brazil Time) – 11:00 AM GMT Temperature: 27o Humidity: 72% Rain: 9% Sky: Partiallly sunny. |
12h-13h | Presentation about greenhouse by Juan Rivas Santisteban |
13h-24h | - Writing the report; |
Sol 12: October 20th 2020 (Tuesday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report; |
10h-12h | Preparation of the report. Weather Location: Andújar/ España Date: October, 20th 2020. Time: 09:56 AM (Spain Time) – 08:56 AM GMT Temperature: 19•C Rain: 1% Humidity: 41% Sky: nubous
Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 20th 2020. Time: 8:11 AM (Brazil Time) – 11:11 AM GMT Temperature: 27o Humidity: 75% Rain: 6% Sky: Partially cloudy. |
12h-24h | Off-line activities |
Sol 13: October 21st 2020 (Wednesday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report; |
10h-24h | Off-line activities. |
Sol 14: October 22nd 2020 (Thursday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report; |
10h-11h | -Off-line activities. |
11h-24h | Weather Location: Natal/ Brazil. Date: October, 22nd 2020. Time: 10:11 PM (Brazil Time) – 1:11 AM GMT Temperature: 26o Humidity: 92% Rain: 16% Sky: Partially cloudy. |
Sol 15: October 23rd 2020 (Friday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
8h-12h | - Writing the report.
Weather Location: Andújar/ España Date: October, 21th 2020. Time: 07:39 PM (Spain Time) – 06:39 PM GMT Temperature: 19•C Rain: 12% Humidity: 67% Sky: nubous
Weather Location: Andújar/ España Date: October, 22th 2020. Time: 06:30 PM (Spain Time) – 05:30 PM GMT Temperature: 20•C Rain: 50% Humidity: 70% Sky: nubous
Weather Location: Andújar/ España Date: October, 23th 2020. Time: 12:30 PM (Spain Time) – 11:30 AM GMT Temperature: 18•C Rain: 4% Humidity: 76% Sky: partially sunny
Weather Location: Berlin /Germany Date: October, 23th 2020. Time: 11:48 GMT Temperature: 15•C Rain: 40% drizzling Humidity: 87% Sky: partially sunny |
12h-12h30m | - Last meeting with the crew. |
12h30m-15h | - Off-line activities. |
15h-16h | - Preparation for travel to Habitat Marte |
16h-18h | - Travel to Habitat Marte |
18h-21h | - Activities in Habitat Marte |
21h-24h | - Writing the report in Habitat Marte.
Weather Location: Habitat Marte, Caiçara do Rio do Vento/ Brazil. Date: October, 23rd 2020. Time: 20:05 PM (Brazil Time) – 23:05 PM GMT Temperature: 27,6o Humidity: 63% Sky: clean/ no clouds. |
Sol 16: October 24th 2020 (Saturday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2 | - Writing the report; |
9h-12h | - Preparation of the report - Preparation for the last Meeting |
12h-12h40m | - Final meeting |
12h40m-24h | - Working in the last version of the report. |
Results and final considerations
The mission 52 happened from October 9th to 24th 2020 and presented 6 participants : Julio Rezende (Brazil), Austin Abraham (India), Juan Rivas Santisteban (Spain), Paras Adlakha (India), Davi Souza (Brazil) and Riyabrata Mondal (Germany). The mission's goal is to research space protocols that could work in a sustainable habitat on Mars.
The program schedule of the mission 52 was:
Meeting 1: October 9th , 2020 (Friday)
11 AM GMT – Initial meeting.
Meeting 2: October 11th 2020 (Sunday):
12 PM GMT – Presentation of Habitat Marte.
Meeting 3: October, 12th 2020 (Monday):
12h-13h GMT: Presentation on Main Station – Prof. Julio Rezende.
Meeting 4: October 14th, 2020 (Wednesday):
12h-13h GMT: Presentation 2 of Davi Souza about Sanitation Center
Meeting 5: October 16th, 2020 (Friday):
12h-13h GMT: Presentation 3 of Paras Adlakha about Engineering Center
Meeting 6: October 17th, 2020 (Saturday):
12h-13h GMT: Presentation 4 of Riyabrata Mondal about Powerstation
Meeting 7: October, 19th 2020 (Monday):
12h-13h GMT: Presentation 5 of Greenhouse by Juan Rivas Santisteban
Meeting 8: October 21st, 2020 (Wednesday):
12h-13h GMT: Presentation 6 of Austin Abraham about Launch Center
Sol 9: October 23rd, 2020 (Friday):
12h-13h GMT: Final meeting/ Recording personal videos and filling final survey.
During the mission were presented around 20 papers / asbtracts from research developed in Habitat Marte in the events International Astronautical Congress – IAC and 23rd Annual International Mars Society Convention.
The mission brought good insights for future analog missions and also real missions to Mars and Moon.
More information about the missions and the Habitat Marte can be found at or in Prof. Julio Rezende (commander).
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