February 19th- March 2nd 2021.
Members of the mission:
Prof. Julio Rezende (Brazil)
Main Station chief
Karin Brünnemann (Slovak Republic)
Greenhouse chief
Davi Souza (Brazil)
Powerstation chief
Acatzin Benitez (Mexico)
Health Center chief
Kiran Kishor Mankame (United States)
Launch center chief
General objective:
Evaluates the operation of a future space analog station on Mars.
The Space Analog Mission simulation 65 organized by the Mars analog station Habitat Marte. The mission happened remotely from February 19th to 2nd March 2021. Members of mission 65 were Prof. Julio Rezende (Brazil), Karin Brünnemann (Slovak Republic), Kiran Kishor Mankame (United States), Davi Souza (Brazil), and Acatzin Benitez (Mexico). The goal of the mission was to discuss the management and protocols applied to a future space habitat operating on Mars. More information on @HabitatMarte social media.
Activities developed during the mission:
- Presentations about specific facilities operating in a Mars habitat;
- Technical visit to Habitat Marte;
- Development of new protocols.
Sol 1: February 19th, 2021 (Friday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-2h | - Preparation of methodology. |
2h-8h | - Resting |
8h-12h20m | - Preparation for the mission |
12h20m-13h40m | - First meeting of the mission. |
13h40m-15h | - Sharing guidelines about the mission.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 19th 2021 Time: 11:03 (Brazil Time)/ 02:03 PM GMT Temperature: 29C Humidity: 67% Rain: 0% Sky: sunny.
Weather in Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 19th 2021 Temperature: -7°C Humidity: 90% Sky: Snow Showers
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Date: February 19th 2021 Time: Sol 1; 1:57pm GMT / 2:57pm local time Temperature: +6°C Humidity: 85% Wind: ENE 5 km/h Sky: overcast, light rain (0.1 cm) Visibility: 11.3 km Pressure: 1022 hPa
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas / México State/México Date: February 19th 2021 Time: 8:11 (México Time)/ 02:11 PM GMT Temperature: 12C Humidity: 34% Rain: 0% Sky: sunny.
15h-24h | - Off-line activities. |
Sol 2: February, 20th 2021 (Saturday):
TIME (GMT) | Activity |
0h-9h | - Resting |
9h-24h | - Off-line activities.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 20th 2021 Time: 8:00 (Brazil Time)/ 11:00 AM GMT Temperature: 28C Humidity: 79% Rain: 7% Sky: sunny.
Sol 3: February, 21st 2021 (Sunday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
1h-8h30mh | - Resting. |
8h30mh-12h | Waking in Habitat Marte. The energy at the Habitat Marte presented a bad function. We woke up tired and with heat, because the air conditioning and the ventilators stopped working during the night. Because of this, the internet also was not working, and we need to communicate with the crew to alert the probable difficulty to happen the meeting during 12 PM GMT. Julio and Davi worked to create a small pond in the rural property, one research approach related to organic architecture. Since the primary mode of contact was WhatsApp, we encountered a loss of communication. The good news: Karin, Kiran and Acatzin organized the meeting. Breakfast in Habitat Marte: coffee and cuscus with ground beef. |
12h-13h | Meeting of Karin, Kiran and Acatzin |
13h-16h | Activities in Habitat Marte/ Caiçara do Rio do Vento city |
16h-18h | Travel from Habitat Marte to Natal. |
18h-24h | - Contacting the crew; - Off-line activities; - Writing the report;
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Date: Sol 3, 13:37 GMT / 14:37 local time Temperature: +4°C Humidity: 95% Wind: ESE 19 km/h Pressure: 1025 hPa Sky: cloudy / light fog Visibility: 2.4 km
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas / Tejupilco / México Date: February 21st 2021. Time: 8:15 (MéxicoTime)/ 14:00 GMT Temperature: 13C Humidity: 55% Rain: 1% Sky: sunny.
Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 21st 2021. Time: 09:30 AM (EST)/02:30 PM (GMT) Temperature: -6°C Humidity: 59% Sky: Sunny
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 21st 2021 Time: 20:43 (Brazil Time)/ 23:43 PM GMT Temperature: 28C Humidity: 77% Rain: 5% Sky: clean sky.
Sol 4: February, 22nd 2021 (Monday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-8h30m | - Resting |
8h30m-12h | - Off-line activities. - Contacting the crew. |
12h-13h20m | - Presentation of Julio Rezende about the Main Station. |
13h20m-24h | - Off line activities and report writing.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 22nd 2021 Time: 08:00 (Brazil Time)/ 11:00 AM GMT Temperature: 28C Humidity: 76% Rain: 5% Sky: clean sky.
Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 22nd 2021 Time: 08:21 AM (EST)/ 01:21 PM (GMT) Temperature: -2°C Humidity: 64% Sky: Mostly Sunny.
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas /Tejupilco /México Date: February 22nd 2021 Time: 07:45 (Brazil Time)/ 13:45 GMT Temperature: 18C Humidity: 34% Rain: 2% Sky: cloudy
Sol 5: February, 23rd 2021 (Tuesday)
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-3h | - Preparing report. |
3h-9h | - Resting. |
9h-24h | - Off-line activities.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 23rd 2021. Time: 20:43 (Brazil Time)/ 23:43 PM GMT Temperature: 28C Humidity: 77% Rain: 5% Sky: clean sky.
Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 23rd 2021. Time: 09:55 PM (EST) Temperature: 5°C Humidity: 57% Sky: Mostly cloudy
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Date: Sol 5 15:23 GMT / 16:23 local time Temperature: +11°C Humidity: 54% Wind: NNW 14 km/h Pressure: 1035 hPa Visibility: 12.9 km Sky: clear & sunny |
Sol 6: February, 24th 2021 (Wednesday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-3 | - Writing the report; |
3h-7h30m | - Resting; |
7h30m-12h | - Off-line activities; - Preparative for the CapCom. |
12h-13h | - Presentation of Davi about the Powerstation. |
13h-24h | - Off-line activities.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 24th 2021 Time: 8:43 (Brazil Time)/ 11:43 AM GMT Temperature: 29C Humidity: 76% Rain: 11% Sky: cloudy.
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas /Tejupilco/México Date: February 24th 2021 Time: 9:15 (MéxicoTime )/ 15:15 GMT Temperature: 19C Humidity: 47% Rain: 0% Sky: Sunny
Sol 7: February, 25th 2021 (Thursday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-9h | - Resting |
9h-24h | - Off-line activities. - Crew communication.
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Day: Sol 7 14:32 GMT / 15:32 local time Temperature: +16°C Humidity: 50% Wind: ESE 11 km/h Pressure: 1030 hPa Sky: clear, sunny Visibility: 12.9 km
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 25th 2021. Time: 12:14 (Brazil Time)/ 3:43 PM GMT Temperature: 29C Humidity: 73% Rain: 8% Sky: cloudy sky but not raining.
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas /Tejupilco/México Date: February 25th 2021. Time: 9:01 (MéxicoTime )/ 15:01 GMT Temperature: 17C Humidity: 44% Rain: 0% Sky: Sunny
Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 25th 2021. Time: 10:19 AM (EST)/ 03:19 PM (GMT) Temperature: 5°C Humidity: 36% Wind: 19 kmph Sky: Mostly Sunny
Sol 8: February, 26th 2021 (Friday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-9h | - Resting |
9h-12h | - Preparation for the meeting. Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 26th 2021. Time: 6:30 (Brazil Time)/ 9:30 AM GMT Temperature: 26C Humidity: 89% Rain: 35% Sky: cloudy sky and raining.
12h-13h | - CapCom and presentation of Kiran Kishor Mankame about a launch center on Mars. |
13h-17h | - Proceedings to travel do Habitat Marte. |
17h-19h | - Travel from Natal to Habitat Marte. |
19h-21h | - Activities in Habitat Marte. Recording videos.
Weather in Habitat Marte/ Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 26th 2021. Time: 17h (Brazil Time)/ 8:00 PM GMT Temperature: 28C Humidity: 58% Sky: cloudy.
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas /Tejupilco/México Date: February 26th 2021. Time: 7.02 (MéxicoTime )/ 13.02 GMT Temperature: 11C Humidity: 64% Rain: 1% Sky: Sunny
Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 26th 2021. Time: 09:08 AM (EST)/02:08 PM (GMT) Temperature: 0°C Humidity: 42% Sky: Mostly Sunny
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Date: February 26th 2021. Sol 8 14:25 GMT / 15:25 local time Temperature: +17°C Humidity: 40% Wind: NW 13 km/h Pressure: 1025 hPa Sky: clear, very sunny Visibility: 14.5 km
21h-20h30m | - Travel from Habitat Marte to Natal. |
20h30m-24h | - Off-line activities. Writing the report. |
Sol 9: February, 27th 2021 (Saturday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-9h | - Resting |
9h-12h | - Off-line activities. - Writing the report. - Preparation for the meeting. |
12h-13h | - CapCom and presentation of Acatzin Benitez about the Health Center. |
13h-24h | - Off-line activities.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brasil Date: February 27th 2021. Time: 07:28 (Brazil Time)/ 10:28 AM GMT Temperature: 26C Humidity: 88% Rain: 12% Sky: cloudy sky but not raining in the moment, with some sun.
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Date: February 27th 2021. Sol 9 13:58 GMT / 14:58 local time Temperature: +7°C Humidity: 63% Wind: NW 21 km/h Pressure: 1033 hPa Sky: cloudy Visibility: 14.5 km
Location: Jersey City, NJ, United States Date: February 27th 2021. Time: 09:5 AM (EST)/ 02:15 PM (GMT) Temperature: 2°C Humidity: 90% Sky: cloudy; Light Rain Showers
Weather in Almoloya de las Granadas /Tejupilco/México Data: February 27 2021 Time: 9.04 (MéxicoTime )/ 15.04 GMT Temperature: 18C Humidity: 45% Rain: 0% Sky: Sunny
Sol 10: February, 28th 2021 (Sunday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-9h | - Resting |
9h-13h | - Preparation for the meeting. |
13h-14h | - CapCom and presentation of Karin Karin Brünnemann about the greenhouse. |
9h-24h | - Off-line activities.
Weather in Natal / Rio Grande do Norte/ Brazil Date: February 28th 2021. Time: 07:57 (Brazil Time)/ 10:57 AM GMT Temperature: 26C Humidity: 87% Rain: 31% Sky: raining.
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Date: February 28th 2021. Sol 10 13:31 GMT / 14:31 local time Temperature: +9°C Humidity: 48% Wind: NW 18 km/h Pressure: 1035 hPa Sky: clear, sunny Visibility: 16.1 km
Sol 11: March, 1st 2021 (Monday):
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-10h | - Resting |
10h-24h | - Off-line activities. - Contacting the crew. - Writing the report. |
Sol 12: March 2nd 2021 (Tuesday)
TIME (GMT) | Activities |
0h-10h | - Resting |
10h-24h | - Off-line activities. - Contacting the crew. - Writing the report. |
Results and final considerations
The Space Analog Mission simulation 65 organized by the Mars analog station Habitat Marte. The mission happened remotely from February 19th to 2nd March 2021. Members of mission 65 were Prof. Julio Rezende (Brazil), Karin Brünnemann (Slovak Republic), Kiran Kishor Mankame (United States), Davi Souza (Brazil), and Acatzin Benitez (Mexico). The goal of the mission was to discuss the management and protocols applied to a future space habitat operating on Mars. More information on @HabitatMarte social media.
During the mission, Davi Souza was diagnosed with COVID-19. This was the first time that a participant got affected by the COVID during the mission.
More information about the missions and the Habitat Marte can be found at Prof. Julio Rezende (main station chief).
All videos are available on